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27 06, 2018

Zombie Kids

2019-04-19T02:04:57+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

The Zombies are out! And so are the kids. It’s officially summer folks. The ranch is crawling with little balls of energy. Luckily we have the perfect horses for these little rascals. Remember my earlier post about the zombies getting out? Since then, I’m pretty sure that they have escaped at least another three times. I once caught Big Sugar with her front feet on top of a gate trying to make her great escape. These old, gentile, slow moving souls are who we pair with the children. Watch out parents, the zombies may infect your kids with the horse [...]

11 06, 2018

Seatbelts for Horses

2019-04-19T02:08:27+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

“Every time I get up into the saddle, I look for a seatbelt”, a guest said jokingly as I tied Tuffy’s lead rope onto the saddle horn. I actually witnessed her reaching behind to try to grab for the imaginary safety gear. I laughed and laughed as I went back to grab another horse for a guest to mount. It was such a funny idea. I guess growing up around horses; everything involving these soft-eyed creatures seems pretty normal to me. So I got to thinking, how do we make our giant beasts safe for beginner riders? Safety is extremely [...]

21 05, 2018

The Zombies are Coming!

2019-04-19T02:11:23+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

I am so excited to announce that it is the first day of the 2018 season at Red Horse Mountain Ranch. The guests have arrived! …And so have the zombies? Hold on, let me back up and explain. A group of staff members and I were making our way to dinner at the lodge from The Haven where we live. We make this half-mile trek often and enjoy finding ways to keep it interesting. Today someone grabbed a rope and we were practicing lassoing each other’s feet on our way there. Don’t worry; most of us aren’t skilled enough to [...]

17 05, 2018

Brushing Off the Dust

2019-04-19T02:16:41+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

There is always something that needs to be done on a ranch. The world has trouble agreeing on a lot of things, but I would argue that everyone would agree with me on this one. There is a lot of work to do at Red Horse Mountain as we gear up for the 2018 summer season. Over the last week, the staff has been pouring in. Housekeepers have been shining up the place and Wranglers have been legging up horses. It’s important to stay flexible around here. For example, when you are told that a good dozen or two horses [...]

24 10, 2017

A Secret Ingredient to being an Award Winning Ranch

2018-12-13T22:25:58+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

There's always a few things our past guests most likely remember about their stay with us. One is usually the name of the horse they rode for the week. Another is the old “Cowboy” at the campfire with his guitar and cowboy poetry. Tom Lamb is the epitome of western authenticity and we are so blessed to have him. The third is how amazing the meals are as well as the scones, delicious muffins, cookies, fresh breads, and desserts which are always available. It all happens behind the scenes and it is because of our kitchen manager and professional pastry [...]

13 10, 2017

A True Hero of Red Horse – Happy Birthday Jim

2018-12-13T22:28:47+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

One of the first days I was on the ranch I met with the staff of the old Hidden Creek. I don’t remember everyone, but a few interviews feel like they were yesterday. Looking back we were all so young.  Matt Majoros, said his goal through the transition was, “ to make sure the previous owners would be taken care of no matter what it took. I’m here to make sure they are covered.” Sarge, or Phil Bailey, showed up and handed me a folder of his entire decorated military career. I remember him calling me “Sir” and being about [...]

30 08, 2017

Red Horse Mountain Ranch earns 7th Straight TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence

2018-12-13T22:31:02+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

Red Horse Mountain Ranch today announced that it has received the 7th straight TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence. The achievement celebrates hospitality businesses that have earned great traveler reviews on TripAdvisor over the past year. Certificate of Excellence recipients include accommodations, restaurants and attractions located all over the world that have continually delivered a quality customer experience. "We could not be happier with our staff who have made Red Horse Mountain Ranch a leader in hospitality. We want to also thank our wonderful guests for another amazing summer. We look forward to many more years of providing a well deserved vacation [...]

15 02, 2017

The Story of Amos

2019-02-21T22:59:37+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

Being on the back deck of the lodge early morning with a warm cup of coffee is breathtaking. I can’t help but to enjoy the peace and silence. The morning cup of joe taking in the views of the ranch has been done for decades. Looking through the old records you’ll find lists of names on census reports, deeds, and old homestead documents of people who have lived here before. There’s only a few records of an old man by the name of Amos Vaughn from Iowa. He lived at Red Horse Mountain Ranch in the early 1900’s but only [...]

13 02, 2017

5 Tips to Landing a Summer Job

2018-12-13T22:40:53+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

For over 10 years I’ve been involved in finding our seasonal staff at the ranch. Hiring takes a tremendous amount of time and effort and a full team of people. We’ve been truly blessed with our staff in the past and I would have to say it’s one of the top reasons why the ranch makes such a wonderful vacation spot and I enjoy coming to work. “Surround yourself with great people.” This is such an important rule in life and one I’ve tried to remember. For the applicant, there are some tips you could try to help land that [...]

8 02, 2017

Big Savings on Couples Vacations Beginning this Fall.

2018-12-13T22:50:39+00:00Categories: Ranch News|

Sneaking away for an overnight stay at a nearby hotel gives a couple just enough time to realize they need a vacation. We see it time and time again…around day 2 on the ranch the outside world and daily grind seem to slough off a person . It takes time to put your worries aside and focus on what's truly important. Daily life is filled with hectic schedules, constant phone reminders, and never ending work loads. It's hard for couples to find time together and even harder to find things you both love to do. And ladies we [...]

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